What is the MRU

MRU Internet Governance Forum (MRU IGF) History

The MRU Internet Governance Forum (MRU IGF) emerged as a response to the growing importance of internet governance issues within the MRU region. Established in 2023, it was born out of a collaborative effort by MRU member countries, partners, civil society organizations, and technical experts. It was inspired by the global Internet Governance Forum (IGF) model, emphasizing the need for a regional platform to address unique digital challenges and opportunities in the MRU region. 


The MRU School on Internet Governance has the following key objectives:

Capacity Building

To offer training programs, workshops, and courses that enhance the internet governance knowledge and skills of participants from MRU countries.

Network Building

To facilitate networking and knowledge exchange among participants, fostering a community of internet governance experts and advocates within the MRU region.

Policy Advocacy

To empower graduates to actively engage in internet governance discussions and contribute to policy development in their respective countries.

Youth Engagement

To encourage the active participation of youth in internet governance matters, promoting their voices and perspectives.